July 20 (2)

Do the jerks* who own bike/cars that make loads of noise actually enjoy pissing off other people? Can they only survive knowing that they have the power to wake up whole neighbourhoods at 6am wherever they go?

*not the original word I was going to use… but let’s stay polite here


July 20 (1)

There is so much random stuff going on in Nantes that it was just amazing – like the random pots crossing the park or a giant bench sitting across the road. I think it’s only there for the summer and most of the stuff does not appear to be there for tourists (i.e. no signs pointing towards or anything) but genuinely art installations for all people to enjoy.


July 19 (5)

The thing about Nantes is that they have a port and people got really rich really quickly back in the day from the stuff that was brought back from far away places. And with all those riches they all decided that they needed fancy houses along the river, because apparently they were not scared of mosquitoes. Now there are fancy houses along that river and our tour guide kept on casually commentating, “oh, that’s the house of this-and-this family, been in the family for generations, has fifteen hundred rooms, they still live there in the summer”. You know, normal little summer house.


July 19 (1)

The Olympics – that time when they actually deign have great streams for “awesome but supposedly less popular sports”. Yesterday I watched some rugby sevens and the NZ women are amazingly impressive. The Spaniards were also great but sometimes my body hurt when I saw how hard they got tackled by NZ. And they were fast! The accelerations they put in at times – wow.
